Solo Exhibition | 20.August - 5.September 2021 | gallery deux poissons, 2-3-6, Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo, Japan gallery deux poisson is pleased to present MARI ISHIKAWA's solo exhibition, (UN)LOCKED.Munich-based jeweler MARI ISHIKAWA captures the beauty of fleeting moments in everyday lifeand visualizes
INVISIBLE THREAD | Micheko Galerie
Mari Ishikawa + Mikiko Minewaki + Sayumi Yokouchi | 10.March - 20.March 2021 | Opening 9.March 12:00-20:00 | Micheko Galerie, Theresienstrasse 18 | 80333 Munich
INVISIBLE THREAD | Bayerischer Kunstgewerbeverein
Mari Ishikawa + Mikiko Minewaki + Sayumi Yokouchi | 22.February - 27.February 2021 | Soft Opening with Mari Ishikawa 22.January 2021 14:00-18:00 + 23.January 2021 14:00-18:00 | Micheko Galerie, Theresienstrasse 18 | 80333 Munich INVISIBLE THREAD is an exhibition by a
Group Exhibition | 12.September-24.Oktober 2020 | Opening 11.September 2020 12:00-21:00 | Micheko Galerie, Theresienstrasse 18 | 80333 Munich
March 20-22, 2020 | 11:00-20:00 (22. 11:00-17:00) | Tokyo International Forum Hall E / Lobby Gallery Represented by Gallery Deux Poissons http://www.deuxpoissons.com/exhibition/ex20/aft/aft.html https://artfairtokyo.com/
Mari Ishikawa + Kaori Juzu | Exhibition during the Munich Jewellery Week | 11.-14. March 2020 | Wed-Fri: 13:00-17:00 | Sat: 10:00-13:00 | WINDFALL GmbH, Amalienstr. 81a (backyard), 80799 Munich
Mari Ishikawa | Jewellery+Photography Opening: 5.September 2019 6pm-10pm |Exhibition: 6.-14. September 2019 10am-6pm | A CASA MUSEU - ANEXO | São Paulo, Brasil | www.acasa.org.br
LANDSCAPE | gallery C.A.J
8. June - 23. June 2019 Opening: 8. June 2019 1pm- 6pm 129 Tominokouji | Oike-sagaru | Nakagyo-ku | Kyoto | JAPAN 604-8093 KYOTO JAPAN
JEWELLER'S' WERK GALERIEWASHINGTON DC | USA 27. April - 17. May 2019 Opening: Saturday 27. April 2019 | 1pm - 4pm 3319 Cady's Alley, NWWashington. DC 20007